Remova a tinta das roupas rapidamente?

Como remover a tinta das roupas rapidamente?

During the day the person is exposed to many unintentional situations and mistakes including what is handled quickly and simply including what needs to be much treatment such as clothing oil stains during lunch in the workplace or coffee , which is due to pens and ink especially the liquid, where clothing is impaired by this type of ink due to its madness and its incoherent texture, and the housewives suffer from this situation of removing paint from the clothes by difficulty or inability to clean it as usual and is placed by the washing machine and cleaned with detergent, even if it is of high quality.

Not only the smear of clothing at employers, but also the students at school during their classes. Sometimes the pencil slips and hurts the clothes and also the area of ​​the front glove because the problem of the paint on the clothes is very harmful for all those who will serve the paint and to facilitate the work in front of the housewife. Solutions that help with this, Note: It is best to limit the area affected by the ink by connecting it to the last part and then cleaning it so that the paint does not spread throughout the part during cleaning.

  • Nail polish remover is used to remove paint from clothing as long as it is of the best quality, putting a quantity of enamel remover on the damaged part for 10 minutes and 20 minutes, repeating the process more than once to ensure excellent results and high cleaning. Then wash with warm soapy water.
  • Place the affected part of the little soap and stain remover and grease and is used to clean the fat gas furnaces, but provided the piece is not made of velvet, when the planets of the affected part leave it for ten minutes and then , wash with warm water and laundry soap in your hand, not the washing machine, then put in the washing machine and you will notice that the place has completely disappeared.
  • Bring the amount of natural lemon juice and this depends on the size of the damage on the laundry provided that the lemon cap part of the affected paint and leave it for five minutes and then rinse it with cold water and repeat again placing the Lemon on them, try to remove the paint completely.